If you want to become more anticipatory, buy yourself the time to respond, develop your change muscle, and increase the quality of your strategy development, here are the scenario prompts for 29 March 2023. If you want to develop your own scenario prompts, go here.
Circular innovations, the future of inventions, the great food reset, Ray Kurzweil, merging with an octopus, flood management, Zebras, hacking photosynthesis, connected vegetable gardens and 100-day planning.
If you want to plan for the far away future, start with 100-day plans.
Meet the 16 innovators that are leading the charge on circular transformation
Water, health, mushrooms, data, minerals, plastic, electric, construction, food, packaging, manufacturing, diapers, agriculture, menstruation, hair and textile.
The Future of Inventions: Predictions and Trends for the Years Ahead
Current trends in the invention are being largely driven by technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), robotics, internet-of-things (IoT), wearables, blockchain technology, and biotechnology
The Great Food Reset has begun
The struggle playing out in the Netherlands would seem to be part of a much bigger game that seeks to “reset” the international food system
Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years
It’s not about the predictions. It’s about what the predictions represent.
Octopus Camouflage Ability Transferred To Human Skin Cells
What else will become possible?
As flooding increases, these cities are designed to work with – not against – the water. Here’s how they’re doing it
Bangkok, Beijing, Amsterdam, The Maldives and Copenhagen.
New zebra-inspired flexible and biodegradable thermoelectric generators
The novel design uses a pattern resembling black-and-white zebra stripes to create a high-temperature gradient below the surface that, in turn, can generate electricity.
Scientists Stumble on New Way to ‘Hack’ Photosynthesis For Renewable Energy
Using a technique called ultrafast spectroscopy, the study team observed how quinones behave in photosynthetic cyanobacteria which obtain energy via photosynthesis like plants and algae.
A connected vegetable garden for growing food at home
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100-day planning and coaching. why and how you can reach your goals
A plug for our service. The steps to the future are always done in 100-day plans.