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Scenario prompts 23 July 2024
Today’s prompts are opportunity to pre-order my book about books about AI, linguistic relativity, a skin substitute, systematic ambition, cyborgs shopping, algae, bio-hybrid robotics, the ultimate Irish solar panel and the launch of the athlete brand book.
What language do you use in your organisation?
A book about books about AI
So far, taking the perspective from 22 books/authors covering intelligence (there are many forms), work, synthetic biology, transhumanism, economics, spiritualism, digital transformation, data, etc. When you go through the books again, you start to wonder if we are asking the right questions. Pre-order to stay in the loop.
Our language, our world
Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak
Skin substitute developed at Temple could revolutionize wound care if it gets FDA approval
The plant-based treatment, which comes in patch and liquid forms, uses soy proteins to create a scaffolding to grow new tissue.
Aiming higher: Embedding ‘systematic ambition’ to drive UK corporate growth
Top performers are more adept and purposeful in creating the conditions to turn their ambitions into reality.
The Cyborg Shopper: Is It the Future or Just a Blip?
The Guinness World Record holder for the greatest number of technological implants in the body is California-based magician Anastasia Synn, who as of November 2023 had 52 implants. Half of these implants are microchips, which Synn says are shallowly implanted for easier removal.
Algae emerges as potentially exceptional source of clean energy
A promising new technology called micro-photosynthetic power cells that harness the natural processes of these tiny organisms to generate electricity
Bio-hybrid robotics need regulation and public debate, say researchers
Bio-hybrid robotics—a pioneering science which fuses artificial components with living tissue and cells.
Sustainable energy and the power of raindrops
The ‘ultimate Irish solar panel’
Launching the athlete brand book
A client of mine (#bookin8days) has just launched his book. Aa 600-page resource created to help athletes build better brands, boost their independence, amplify their influence, increase their income, and expand their overall impact.