A book about books about AI


I am taking the quiet time to write another book about books, this time about AI. So far, taking the perspective from 22 books/authors covering intelligence (there are many forms), work, synthetic biology, transhumanism, economics, spiritualism, digital transformation, data, etc. When you go through the books again, you start to wonder if we are asking the right questions. Particularly if you listen people such as wil.i.am and Sadhguru. I hope to finish the book by the end of August. By pre-ordering I will keep you in the loop with updates/posts.

The singularity is nearer

Included is ​the most interesting (and recent) book about AI is​​ Ray Kurzweil´s
The Singularity is Nearer: When We Merge with AI”. It will blow your mind. Singularity is expected in 2029. That is 5 years from now. In the meantime, a lot of the technologies that are being rocket-boosted by AI will impact your organisation. It is time to prepare.

So far, taking the perspective from 22 books/authors covering intelligence (there are many forms), work, synthetic biology, transhumanism, economics, spiritualism, digital transformation, data, etc. When you go through the books again, you start to wonder if we are asking the right questions. I hope to finish the book by the end of August.  By pre-ordering I will keep you in the loop with updates/posts.

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