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Scenario prompts 26 Augustus 2024
Today’s prompts are 12 predictions for the future, floating homes, beyond gene-editing babies, inducing a state of suspended animation, DNA computers, virtual reality casinos, citizen AI, mRNA, and an opportunity to pre-order my book about books about AI.
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12 Predictions for the Future of Technology | Vinod Khosla | TED
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Can floating homes make coastal communities resilient to climate risks?
Building sustainable settlements on the water is a feasible option for climate adaptation, as long as people and ecosystems are protected.
Beyond gene-edited babies: the possible paths for tinkering with human evolution
Why wait 100,000 years for natural selection to do its job? For a few hundred dollars in chemicals, you could try to install these changes in an embryo in 10 minutes.
Alzheimer’s drug may someday help save lives by inducing a state of “suspended animation”
Space travel?
DNA computer can play chess and solve sudoku puzzles
Computers made from DNA have previously only been able to store information or perform computations on it – now a new device can do both
Virtual reality casinos get a boost with cryptocurrency integration
The fusion of virtual reality (VR) and cryptocurrency is set to transform the way you experience online casinos. As these technologies advance, they bring new opportunities and challenges for gamers worldwide
Another Layer of Abstraction: Citizen AI
Already more and more analysts are using the term “Citizen AI” instead of Citizen Developer.
The Next Frontier for mRNA Could Be Healing Damaged Organs
Researchers are testing the use of mRNA to get damaged livers to repair themselves, in a move that could one day lessen the need for organ transplants.
A book about books about AI
So far, taking the perspective from 22 books/authors covering intelligence (there are many forms), work, synthetic biology, transhumanism, economics, spiritualism, digital transformation, data, etc. When you go through the books again, you start to wonder if we are asking the right questions. Pre-order to stay in the loop.