I have spent a very enjoyable break with family and friends, drinking lots of red wine, eating good food, playing Xbox (Sniper Elite 5), exercising, meditating and sitting in the sunshine. I saw Holland lose against Argentina in a bar in Berlin, joined a movie premier of Tibor in Amsterdam and watched the Xmas light show in Malaga.
And now we are already midway through the first month of January. My intent for this year is to write my own book (so no book about books). The working title is “Quantum entrepreneurship”, with as starting point of the book the ability to manage your mind, your intent, visualisation, and understand quantum jumping and transsurfing. With Ayurveda as the operating system. I will come back to transsurfing in the next e-zine. Look up Vadim Zeland. Awesome.
Apart from that, I will develop an online course around “Engineering the future“, keep on doing the 100-day coaching, help people develop their thought leadership through writing a book (only a few places left), do some strategy development programmes, speak more at conferences, launch a First Tuesday (ish) event in Malaga/Marbella and push intrapreneurship, preferably in combination with tackling climate change and circularity.
Daily journaling, staying super fit, meditate more, becoming fluent in Spanish and learn to dance the salsa are also on the list.
Your plans?
That is me. How about you? What are your plans? I wrote a blog that might help. Based on a short book about books I wrote about strategy. You can find the book here. Use “Happynewyear” as the code, and you can download it for free. I hope it will set you up for a successful and enjoyable 2023.
The 4 tools
1. Your information dashboard
Rubbish in, rubbish out. You should develop a dashboard and increase the quality of your information supply. Create a dashboard of information sources relevant to you. Include serendipity to avoid the filter bubble. Here are some suggested sources. Follow these sources for a month, and you will never be the same.
- Stanford
- Harvard Business Review
- Science Alert
- Futurism
- Abundance 360
- Singularity University
- Live Science Essentials
- Technomy
- Fast Company
- Big Think
- Axios Future
- Futurity
- Gaia
- Interesting Engineering
- McKinsey
- Strategy+Business
- Nano magazine
2. Your strategic filter
To make sense of the information, you should develop a filter. Based on extensive research, the key strategic parameters are passion, mission, vision, value, positioning and resourcing. Write your passion statement, determine and write down why you exist, define and write down where you want to be in 3-5-10 years, write down your guiding principles,think about how you want to be perceived in the marketplace, and quantify the resources that are available to you (time, money, network, knowledge, etc.). You have now developed your strategic box. Make sure everyone in your organisation agrees on the 6 statements. The fast rue is that information that fits inside the box is relevant. Information outside is less so.
3. Reverse attribute listing
My favourite is attribute listing, as it takes a very holistic approach that impacts not only the story but also the future business model and future opportunities. It is a technique where you split your company or your product into the smallest parts possible and start asking a few questions per individual piece:
- is there a story
- how does it add to the experience of service or product
- is it a differentiator
- is it core
- what can technology can we apply now
- what technology is available in 2-5-10 years that could be applied
- can we outsource it
- is it circular
- what emotions are involved
- what emotions are triggered
- does it have a negative or positive climate impact
- can we use it as a talk trigger
- can we visualise it (video, VR)
- can it be digitised
- is it circular
- can it become a distribution channel
- how quick or slow is it
- does it add to the friction
- can it be removed
- how much does it cost
- how much does it add to the profit
- how does it add to ZMOT, FMOT, SMOT, UMOT
4. 100-day plans
Translate your strategy into 100-day plans. It helps to maintain focus.
If you need help or have questions, please feel free to give me a shout. Always happy to help.