If you want to become more anticipatory, buy yourself the time to respond, develop your change muscle, and increase the quality of your strategy development, here are the scenario prompts for 24 May 2023. Scenario prompts are the first step of strategy development. If you want to improve your own strategic planning abilities, we have developed a simple-four step programme. Go here https://www.ronimmink.com/perception-pioneer/
Payment processing, foresight, Xbox, strategy, the Dao of smartphones, getting sued for climate damage, an AI doing your shopping, self cloning crops, self healing lenses and solar-powered airships.
Play Xbox. It will teach you how engagement works. That will be the future of your communication.
The Future of Payment Processing: Emerging Technologies and Trends
Contactless, blockchain, AI, subscription and biometrics.
Foresight: The mental talent that shaped the world
Foresight will give some more control over the future. Hence https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230518-foresight-the-mental-talent-that-shaped-the-world
The post-console future: where Xbox is looking for its next big hit
Microsoft is betting on winning business with its subscription service, Game Pass, and looking beyond markets in western Europe and east Asia. Follow the gamin industry as a source of innovation.
The Trouble With Strategy
An interesting perspective on strategy. What go you here, won’t get you there.
The Dao of Using Your Smartphone
I think this will become a trend.
Fossil fuel firms should pay trillions in reparations for impending climate chaos: study
Climate calamity will cost US$99 trillion in loss and damage by 2100, and the fossil fuel industry is responsible for 70 per cent of that wreckage – so should pay US$23.2 trillion in reparations through to 2050.
Bill Gates says ai is poised to destroy search engines and Amazon
What will happen to brand loyalty when your AI assistant is doing your shopping? Read https://www.ronimmink.com/nano-marketing-fully-contextual-and-in-the-moment/
Unmixed blessing
Self cloning crops.
Self-healing lens material can prevent traffic accidents in self-driving cars
Healing scratches on optical sensors.
Solar-powered airships could help climate-friendly air travel get off the ground
Relaunching a century-old technology could be a faster approach to climate-friendly air travel, according to a new study.