If you want to become more anticipatory, buy yourself the time to respond, develop your change muscle, and increase the quality of your strategy development, here are the scenario prompts for 20 April 2023. Scenario prompts are the first step of strategy development. If you want to improve your strategic abilities, go here.
Stretchable screens, retirement, psygologic safety, 13 Japanese business techniques, meta and technology trends, circular solutions, kelp forrests, wave energy, genetic scanning, your brain and programmable water.
Programmable water and quantum physics. Two books to read. See https://www.ronimmink.com/water-and-consciousness-read-these-two-books-and-you-will-never-be-the-same/
High-efficiency stretchable light-emitting material for flexible screens
The new material can stretch more than twice its original length without disrupting its ability to emit light and display a clear image.
5 Trends Shaping the Future of Retirement
Savings gap, aging workforce, holistic wellness, investment and personalisation.
Here are 5 Proven Practices to Boost Psychological Safety
Equal speaking time, mood boards, annual festival, unlimited learning budgets and celebrate failure.
13 Japanese business concepts that will help shift your perspective
Root cause, radical, consensus, self reflection, customer service, diversification, harmony, Kaizen, frontline, embracing imperfection, long term and negative space.
Mega Trends in the United States through 2030
5G, IoT, virtual finance, connected living, blockchain, AI, metaverse, device distribution, safe cities, smart, etc.
Technological trends in the upcoming years
Artificial muscles, hydrogen, hyper automation, shape shifting and digital humans.
Five exciting solutions for a circular economy
Reusable glass, biofuel cells made of paper and enzymes, polymers, houses made from rice and leather alternatives.
Why Earth’s giant kelp forests are worth $500 billion a year
Kelp forests provide an average harvest for fisheries of more than 900 kilograms per hectare a year, worth about $30,000
Can ocean waves power the grid? new technology is bringing us closer than ever
Each year, the waves off the coasts of the United States could provide an estimated 2.64 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity
Is this chicken free-range? New genetic tool could verify sustainability and welfare claims
A new genetic decoding technique can pinpoint precisely where salmon, shrimp, chicken, and other animals come from—and under what conditions they were raised.
A First-of-Its-Kind Signal Has Been Detected in The Human Brain
Our brains might be even more powerful units of computation than we realized.
Water and consciousness; read these two books and you will never be the same
Programmable water..,,