If you want to become more anticipatory, buy yourself the time to respond, develop your change muscle, and increase the quality of your strategy development, here are the scenario prompts for 13 April 2023. If you want to develop your own scenario prompts, go here.
Coconuts and lemons, energetic leadership, trends in NFT, digital assets trends, curiosity, converting the energy of your mind into a laser beam travel space, open source nuclear, vapour tech, war and SF, mushroom skin, hands-on citizenship and blood as the fountain of youth.
Vampires were right. Look up the Lindy effect.
Coconuts and lemons are novel ingredients for energy-efficient buildings
They combined these renewable materials with modified wood to make a what they call a “thermal energy battery”
Energetic Awareness And The Future Of Leadership
I am writing a book with one of my #bookin8day service on this topic. A hotspot.
The NFTs Creation in the Future: 8 Most Important New Technologies and Trends
Blockchain interoperability, fractional ownership, AI powered NFTs, integration with physical assets, scalability, social NFTs, gaming, metaverse and sustainability.
Following Digital Asset Trends In Fashion
Phygital, mat averse, tokens and augmented reality.
From Default Definitions to Deliberate Questions
Curiosity is a tool. Read https://www.ronimmink.com/curiosity-as-a-necessity-to-survive-and-thrive/
Inside the ‘Gateway Process,’ the CIA’s Quest to Decode Consciousness and Unlock Time Travel
The goal? To convert the energy of your mind and body into a kind of laser beam that can transcend spacetime.
Open source is fueling the future of nuclear physics
Though secrecy still has its place, it takes openness to keep moving forward.
Stickers that keep food fresher
Vapour based technology.
Science Fiction Is Influencing How We Conduct War And We Might Not Like The Results
Super soldiers, drones, bio-engineering and behaviour modification. The military (and SF) is a source of innovation. So is porn. Read https://www.ronimmink.com/porn-as-a-source-for-innovation/
Mushrooms Could Lead to Biodegradable Computer Chips
Mushroom skin breaks down much faster than plastic, but it also features high conductivity for electricity
How to be a hands-on citizen
You can be so much more than a well-informed consumer: it is in your (and our) power to change society from the ground up
Has the Fountain of Youth Been in Our Blood All Along?
Vampires were right.