Marketing books
If you have read “Engage”, “Marketing 3.0” and “Branding only works on cattle’ there are few surprises in this book. The ongoing surprise is, that according to the author, the marketers keep on refusing to get the memo. Here is one quote; “by leveraging behavioural economics marketers were creating commodities, not brands”. Oren Harari (the author of Break from the pack and anti commodity hell guru) is turning in his grave. I hope marketers bow their head in shame.
Technology and accountability
The book goes on; Marketing in this data-abundant, internet-oriented world order requires a deep understanding of the customer and technology. It requires an understanding that the old ways of marketing are dead. Marketers should embrace technology, take a new role and accept real accountability.
Marketing for CFOs
I like the accountability bit in particular. Marketing that a chief financial officer will understand. Everything brought down to its core, which is making money. Imagine a world where social media, smart products, sensors, connected customers, intelligent packaging, mobile technology, etc. makes the dark art of marketing communication a 100% transparent. Ogilvy will finally know which 50% is not working.