For me, it all started with “Thriving on chaos” by Tom Peters and “The mind of the strategist” by Kenichi Ohmae. Quite a few years later “Funky business” really triggered the need for understanding strategy. Constant flux. In a world of constant flux, chaos, Moores law, hyper-competition and data overload, planning and strategy become more important and more impossible.
Strategic box
Which is why we invented the strategic box, a floating window on top of the environment you operate in. The frame of the window is determined by six statements; vision, value, passion, purpose, positioning and resourcing. Inside the frame is relevant, outside is not. Weekly and monthly targets determining the movement and moving is more important than direction (sharks need to keep moving to stay alive)).

33 strategies of war
“33 strategies of war” by Robert Greene instead is THE book on strategy. We have used that with a lot of our clients. Literally a menu of choice of which strategy to apply, based on extensive research on what strategy generals applied in war, going back to Sun Tzu. Blitzkrieg, dead ground, controlled chaos, deterrence are but a few of the strategies he covers.
Killing giants
“Killing giant” is the light version of 33 strategies. Eat the bug and take the last mile away from your competitors. Small companies are eating your lunch. More agile, quicker and with passion.
Break from the pack
“Break from the pack” is a cry for constant change, trying not to follow the compulsion that the pack is following and to try to be constantly different (and better) in a copycat economy, avoiding commodity hell.
“Blue ocean strategy” talks about escaping the commodity hell by creating new products in new markets, which is straight from the Ansoff matrix. You are better off reading Strategic Management.
If you talk about the masters of strategy we can’t ignore Drucker. “What would Drucker do” does exactly what it says on the tin.
You realise that HRM is strategic. “Workplace 2020” and its view on HR in the future is strategic. “Talent masters” is strategic.
“The innovator dilemma” and realising that the consequence of true innovation is the destruction of your existing business model, is strategic. “Digital disruption” and the threat of a big bang disruption that can impact on your business overnight is strategic. “Free” and “Makers” by Chris Anderson are strategic.
Future trends
Understanding future trends is strategic. We recommend “Future files”, “Flash Foresight”, “Megachange 2050” and anything by Faith Popcorn.
Everything is strategic
Marketing is strategic. Social media is strategic. Data is strategic.
Head wreck
A bit of a head wreck so. How do you plan to get from A to B if you don’t know where you are and don’t know where you going? Where the map is constantly changing?
A strategy is hard work
What we do know that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I have come to the conclusion that strategy foremost is about a deep understanding of the ecosystem you are operating in, a lot of analysis, hard work, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.
The strategy book
Alan’s review of “The strategy book” puts it best. Suggest you take some time to read his blog here
Do уou have any video of that? I’d care to find out mοre details.