Scenario prompts are a way to develop responses to trends and train your change muscle, making you more resilient and agile for the future. If you need help with developing these prompts, you can book a free appointment here. If you want me to speak at your event, contact me at
How to use the prompts
Become a trend watcher yourself. Use these prompts to explore their relevance, assess opportunities and threats, and analyse timelines and impacts on your organisation. Consider multiple possible futures across varying time horizons—1, 3, 5, and 10 years.
Scenario prompts 9 January 2025
Todays prompts are neural implants, top tech trends, printing wood, scaling, multiverse simulation engines, organoid intelligence, AI wearables, computational biology, and bacteria based manufacturing.
Are you ready for OI (Organoid Intelligence)?
New coating extends lifespan of neural implants in the body
Soft PDMS elastomers form body-fluid barriers that offer long-term protection to implantable chips.
Innovation experts predict top tech trends for 2025
Biotech, sensors, fusion, quantum, AI, hardware, cyber security and data
3D Printed Wood Furniture Debuts at Add Wood Exhibition
Four designers recently showcased innovative applications of 3D printed wood at the Designblok exhibition in Prague.
The 30 Best Pieces of Company Building Advice We Heard in 2024
The fundamentals of getting a startup idea to work at scale remain stubbornly challenging.
‘Multiverse simulation engine’ predicts every possible future to train humanoid robots and self-driving cars
Nvidia’s Cosmos platform lets researchers simulate multiple different realities and simulate real-world physics to generate footage that can train future robots.
Why “Living Intelligence” Is the Next Big Thing
Living intelligence: systems that can sense, learn, adapt, and evolve, made possible through artificial intelligence, advanced sensors and biotechnology. AI meets Organoid Intelligence OI).
Your Next AI Wearable Will Listen to Everything All the Time
The latest crop of AI-enabled wearables listen to your conversations to help organize your life. They are also normalizing embedded microphones that are always on.
Computational biologists develop AI that predicts inner workings of cells
It would turn biology from a science that describes seemingly random processes into one that can predict the underlying systems that govern cell behavior. Programmable biology.
‘Superman’ coatings for resilient industrial bacteria
Bacteria-based manufacturing often requires significant volumes of energy and resources, as fresh cultures are often required for each use. Now, one chemist has developed a method to address this challenge.