If you want to become more anticipatory, buy yourself the time to respond, develop your change muscle, and increase the quality of your strategy development, here are the scenario prompts for 30 May 2023. Scenario prompts are the first step of strategy development. If you want to improve your own strategic planning abilities, we have developed a simple four-step programme. Go here https://www.ronimmink.com/perception-pioneer/
100 AI companies, 209 billion per year in damages, worm inspired robots, robot sweaters, biomimicry, biophilic design, packaging innovation, genetic modification and cloning and space robots.
Watch “The Titan”, has biomimicry, space and genetic modification. How long before science fiction will become science fact?
100+ Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Companies 2023
To chronicle this growth, this list of AI companies reflects the chaotic and moment-by-moment shifts disrupting the tech industry.
Reparations for climate change? Some think oil companies should pay
Fossil fuel companies including BP, Shell, ExxonMobil and Chevron collectively owe $209 billion a year in restitution for the cumulative climate disasters expected to take place by midcentury.
A worm-inspired robot based on an origami structure and magnetic actuators
Bio-inspired robots, robotic systems that emulate the appearance, movements, and/or functions of specific biological systems, could help to tackle real-world problems more efficiently and reliable.
RobotSweater allows the robot to feel and react to human touch
It is pressure-sensitive low-cost tactile skin that is scalable, generalizable, and customizable.
Nature, the master engineer: Mechanical devices nature ‘invented’ first
The study of biomimicry has propelled countless innovations, demonstrating that nature remains an unparalleled source of engineering brilliance.
Why architects love Biophilic design
Biophilic design, a concept rooted in our innate affinity for life and the natural world, offers a transformative approach to architecture.
Packaging innovation bubbling away in fight against food waste
Edible, intelligent, biocompatible, skin-based, flavour enhancing, nanotech, etc.
Creating a sperm or egg from any cell? Reproduction revolution on the horizon
The desire to genetically modify the future generation in a hunt for a assumed perfect race, perfect baby, perfect future generation is not science fiction. Neither is cloning.
Robots Hold The Keys to Exploring Our Solar System
Or genetically modified humans. Time to rewatch “Titan”.