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Today’s topics to consider consciousness, open source, technology, naming technology, electro chemistry, xenotransplantation, AI (with an invite to an event), families in 2100 and genomics (and AI)
Have a great weekend.
The consciousness wars: can scientists ever agree on how the mind works?
There are dozens of theories of how the brain produces conscious experience, and a new type of study is testing some of them head-to-head.
Why Companies Shouldn’t Overlook the Role of Open Source
Organizations must understand the nature of open-source and recognize that supporting and maintaining it is a critical piece of continue innovation across industries and technology applications.
The Downward Spiral of Technology
The evidence is overwhelming. For the first time in history, technology is getting worse, not better.
Why What We Decide to Name New Technologies Is So Crucial
Scholars of neuroscience, linguistics, and psychology will be especially familiar with the ways in which language—and the use of words—can impact how we relate to the world.
South Korea and America’s Joint Venture in Electrochemistry
This knowledge is crucial for the design and development of more efficient, effective, and sustainable battery technologies, potentially revolutionising the field of energy storage.
CRISPR-edited pig liver from eGenesis passes first test in brain-dead human, researchers say
Startups vs Incumbents in the AI Era
What will happen with the AI revolution? Will most of the benefits accrue to the incumbents which have substantial resources or will they accrue to the new startups which can move quickly and build compelling and novel experiences?
Why families will look radically different by 2100
Middle-aged adults may come under increasing pressure, forced to care for their children while also caring for their older parents.
From Potential to Profit with GenAI
Winners recognize that extraordinary opportunities for productivity gains—as well as topline growth—are within reach right now. If this is of interest, you should attend this event. See
The Future of AI-based Gene Sequencing
An analysis of the latest Alphafold breakthrough – Enformer, a neural network architecture that accurately predicts gene expression from DNA sequences – and the What’s Next? of the future of AI and Genomics.