Engineering the future, the 7 megatrends, the books, the tools and picking your number
A book about books. Innovation, climate, resilience, marketing, sense-making, mindset, fitness, abundance, purpose, storytelling, intrapreneurship, your information dashboard, your filter, your number, 30 books and 3 levels to think about the future.
From the foreword
Ron shows great passion for what the future holds, and sets out a vision that highlights many of the challenges the world faces. For us, he tailored a talk around engineering and set out a vision that provided great insight into where we are heading as a world of engineers and constructors of engineering solutions. The talk he gave was inspiring to many who attended, and as such led to Ron deciding to pull the main themes of the talk into this book.
“Very good! I’m not lazy when it comes to reading but this book provides insights into a wide range of books that I might otherwise never have heard of. The author also adds context to how and where these books might be applied to one’s business or personal circumstances.”
“A great read – novel approach and very fresh. Worth a couple of hours of anyone’s reading time.”
“A great book to have as a reference, a conversation starter or as a firework for your brain. Think about it as a distillation of some of the latest thinking, scariest facts and most amazing trends and opportunities that exist right now. It’s presented in a very approachable way and in Kindle-friendly way. Recommended.”
Also available as a workshop or talk. For more information contact me directly.